In [1]:
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
In [2]:
# Load data
df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('./posterviewers_by_state.csv')
key_N = 'Number of people'
In [3]:
# 0. Count number of posters from each state
# Calculate mean poster popularity
states = df['State'].unique()
dict_state_counts = {'State':states,'count':np.zeros(len(states),dtype=int),'popularity':np.zeros(len(states))}
for i, s in enumerate(states):
dict_state_counts['count'][i] = int(sum(df['State']==s))
dict_state_counts['popularity'][i] = np.round(np.mean(df[df['State']==s][key_N]),3)
df_counts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_state_counts)
In [4]:
# Visualize dataframe
# count = total number of posters counted affiliated with that country
# popularity = average number of viewers at a poster affiliated with that country
In [5]:
print sp.stats.spearmanr(np.log10(df_counts['count']),df_counts['popularity'])
plt.xlabel('Number of posters\nin the state')
plt.ylabel('Average number of viewers per poster')
In this code, we test if the relative popularity / unpopularity observed for any state is outside what is expected by chance
Here, the most popular and least popular states are defined by a nonparametric statiscal test between the number of viewers at posters from their country, compared to posters from all other countries.
In [6]:
# Simulate randomized data
Nperm = 100
N_posters = len(df)
rand_statepop = np.zeros((Nperm,len(states)),dtype=np.ndarray)
rand_statepopmean = np.zeros((Nperm,len(states)))
for i in range(Nperm):
# Random permutation of posters, organized by state
randperm_viewers = np.random.permutation(df[key_N].values)
for j, s in enumerate(states):
rand_statepop[i,j] = randperm_viewers[np.where(df['State']==s)[0]]
rand_statepopmean[i,j] = np.mean(randperm_viewers[np.where(df['State']==s)[0]])
In [7]:
# True data: Calculate all p-values for the difference between 1 state's popularity and the rest
min_N_posters = 10
states_big = states[np.where(df_counts['count']>=min_N_posters)[0]]
N_big = len(states_big)
t_true_all = np.zeros(N_big)
p_true_all = np.zeros(N_big)
for i, state in enumerate(states_big):
t_true_all[i], _ = sp.stats.ttest_ind(df[df['State']==state][key_N],df[df['State']!=state][key_N])
_, p_true_all[i] = sp.stats.mannwhitneyu(df[df['State']==state][key_N],df[df['State']!=state][key_N])
pmin_pop = np.min(p_true_all[np.where(t_true_all>0)[0]])
pmin_unpop = np.min(p_true_all[np.where(t_true_all<0)[0]])
print 'Most popular state: ', states_big[np.argmax(t_true_all)], '. p=', str(pmin_pop)
print 'Least popular state: ', states_big[np.argmin(t_true_all)], '. p=', str(pmin_unpop)
In [8]:
# Calculate minimum p-values for each permutation
# Calculate all p and t values
t_rand_all = np.zeros((Nperm,N_big))
p_rand_all = np.zeros((Nperm,N_big))
pmin_pop_rand = np.zeros(Nperm)
pmin_unpop_rand = np.zeros(Nperm)
for i in range(Nperm):
for j, state in enumerate(states_big):
idx_use = range(len(states_big))
t_rand_all[i,j], _ = sp.stats.ttest_ind(rand_statepop[i,j],np.hstack(rand_statepop[i,idx_use]))
_, p_rand_all[i,j] = sp.stats.mannwhitneyu(rand_statepop[i,j],np.hstack(rand_statepop[i,idx_use]))
# Identify the greatest significance of a state being more popular than the rest
pmin_pop_rand[i] = np.min(p_rand_all[i][np.where(t_rand_all[i]>0)[0]])
# Identify the greatest significance of a state being less popular than the rest
pmin_unpop_rand[i] = np.min(p_rand_all[i][np.where(t_rand_all[i]<0)[0]])
In [9]:
# Test if most popular and least popular countries are outside of expectation
print 'Chance of a state being more distinctly popular than Minnesota: '
print sum(i < pmin_pop for i in pmin_pop_rand) / float(len(pmin_pop_rand))
print 'Chance of a state being less distinctly popular than Connecticut: '
print sum(i < pmin_unpop for i in pmin_unpop_rand) / float(len(pmin_unpop_rand))
In [ ]: